About Us

Our Story

BraaiBaas (as the Afrikaans name implies) is truly a pure South African brand. We offer distinctive apparel & accessories custom made in South Africa from the highest quality for The Braai Enthusiast to change this world for the better.

Our designs are inspired from purely lekker South African cultures & events, which the rest of the world doesn't yet understand, but because of our diverse cultures we can almost never run out of ideas. BraaiBaas products are made locally from the best materials which helps us meet the needs of our South African fans alike.

Why we believe we are different?

BraaiBaas champions the old but new way people get along, and shifts the way people think about “just a braai or bbq” to be a means to world peace & unitedness.


To profitably and sustainably lead our industry, to the potential tune of millions in sales, and act as the worlds most braai enthusiast-focused company, where we serve braai enthusiasts, and anyone who isn't can come in and be transformed to become a avid braai'er and occasional enthusiast.


To bring together a world united by a culture that lives so strongly within each & every one of us. From the stone ages till today - the culture of braai/ BBQ. We believe that Braai/ BBQ is a key to world peace & unity because there’s something about cooking over open flames that allows people to let their guards down, set aside their differences, & be happy.

Our Values:

Braai Enthusiast Obsessed.

More than anything else, we love seeing lives transformed, and people become all that they're capable of becoming. Everything we do is to help get people out of their own way, and find joy & enjoyment in the smaller things too. Even if that's braai.


We enjoy the journey.

We're all going to die one day, and we want to enjoy the work we do with our precious time. We'll take retreats, we'll get personal, we'll make friends encourage each other, we'll poke fun at each other, and we won't get too lost in the pressure of it all. We're human. This mission we're on, as big as it is, shouldn't force us to sacrifice our personal happiness and gratitude.


Care About One Another.

Work, to us, is more than work. We're here to do lasting good things for others and in doing so we know that we can't passively just be "work peers". We're here to lift each other up, we're here to invest in these relationships, and we're here to be better together by supporting one another through everything. We focus heavily on inclusivity within and outside the company. We aspire to have unshakable integrity and self discipline.


Radical Transparency.

We must speak our minds quickly and have no ego about being corrected. Because we trust one another, one must always be open to positive criticism and feedback. If not, it means that you don't trust the team to have your back.

Everything you say to another and speak over the member of your team will be taken to heart, so use this wisely.


Quality Over Quantity.

Costs vs. Quality is another shark in the water, but we don't believe in compromising quality for unnecessary little things. Delivering a quality product or service is paramount to exceeding customer expectations. We spend countless man hours before even making a single concept to ensure that it will do just that.


Work Hard, Rest Hard & play Hard.

We know that pace is everything. And we want to be here for the long haul. When we work, we're at 100km/h consistently. When we rest, we're 100% at rest. When we play, we're full throttle!


Full Ownership.

Everything that happens under you is yours alone to take credit or blame for. We take full ownership, to almost a silly degree, and we never ever blame someone else for what's happening. We have no ego, and nothing to prove. This is the only way to grow, get better, and serve our customers better.


Profitability. No Gambling.

We know that profit is a fuel. Without immense profits and revenue, we can't reach the people we want to reach with our marketing, improve our products and programs to get better results, and create an amazing company to work for. We stay lean, slash unnecessary expenditure everywhere we can, and we love making money because of the potential possibilities it allows us to do and offer more.



Decisive and committed. We don't sit on major decisions, we don't wait until it's too late. We commit to the angle we've chosen, and we move quickly and make the most of our commitments.



Nobody works in a silo. All departments, and all members of each departments, have just as much a say in everything we do as anyone else. The final decision is owned by the leaders, but innovation is bred at every level of our company.


No Stone Unturned.

We have a big mission, and everyone needs to be on board and ready to sacrifice things along the way. One of those things might need to be a lack of willingness to do the little things that go a long way.


You think you got what it takes?

Firstly, what does it mean to be a BraaiBaas?

By direct translation, means "barbecue master".

  • "braai" is Afrikaans for “barbecue” or “roast” & is a massive social custom in South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Zambia.
  • "baas" is Afrikaans for “boss” or “leader” or "master" & is widely used across the nation for anyone in a leadership position or someone with expertise.

You might be wondering, does this mean we only cater for people who believe they good at "braaing"?

NO... We have not zoned the brand to be linked to anything specific other than just being purely South African & yes if you believe & feel you are that, then BraaiBaas is for you!


Secondly, To be a proper BraaiBaas, is a person with pride. A person with knowledge & a great understanding about who they are as a person. A person well groomed through the South African comb of cultures & ways. A person with BIG kahunas, not scared to take hold of the braai-tongs if they need to. A person in love with their country, culture & heritage.

Always remember, Be Lekker. Be BraaiBaas.

#Braaibaassa #alwayslus #braai #braonsbraai #braailife #braaivibes #braaitime #Braaibaassouthafrica #BraaiBaas365 #LocalIsLekker #BraaiBaasforLife #EksnBraaiBaas

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